Varalaxmi Sreeram, MD
Meet Varalaxmi Sreeram, MD
Dr. Varalaxmi Sreeram is a distinguished rheumatologist at CHRISTUS Trinity Clinic in Longview, TX, renowned for her comprehensive expertise in managing complex rheumatologic conditions. With a robust educational foundation and extensive clinical experience, Dr. Sreeram brings a wealth of knowledge to her practice. She earned her medical degree from Kakatiya Medical College in India. She completed her Internal Medicine Residency at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Tyler/Good Shepherd Medical Center in Longview. Her expertise spans diagnosing and treating autoimmune diseases, inflammatory conditions, and musculoskeletal disorders, allowing her to deliver personalized and effective patient care.
Dr. Sreeram’s commitment to excellence is evident through her active involvement in professional societies, including the American College of Physicians and the American Board of Internal Medicine. As a core faculty member in the internal medicine residency program, she contributes to the education and development of future physicians while also engaging in research and quality improvement initiatives. Her dedication to patient-centered care and continuous professional development ensures that she provides cutting-edge treatment options and compassionate support for her patients at CHRISTUS Trinity Clinic.
CHRISTUSMulti specialty Clinic703 E. Marshall Ave., Suite 4003, Suite 4003, Longview, TX 75601HoursOpen
- Monday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
- Tuesday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
- Wednesday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
- Thursday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
- Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Hospital Affiliations
CHRISTUS Good Shepherd Medical Center
CHRISTUS Trinity Clinic
Insurance Accepted
- Aetna US Healthcare
- AmeriGroup
- Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS)
- BlueChoice TC
- Brookshire Bros
- CHRISTUS Health Plan
- CHRISTUS Health Plan - Medicare Advantage
- Cigna
- Cigna Healthspring
- First Health
- Healthcare Highways, Inc.
- HealthSmart
- Humana ChoiceCare Network
- Humana Medicare Advantage
- Humana Military TRICARE
- Imperial Health Plan Medicare Advantage
- Medicaid
- Medicare
- Procare Advantage, LLC
- Railroad Medicare
- Superior Health Plan
- Texas Childrens Health Plan
- Texas True Choice STAR Health Plan (Foster Care)
- TRICARE South Region
- TriWest
- Uniformed Services Family Health Plan (USFHP)
- United Healthcare (UHC)
- United Healthcare (UHC) - Community Plan
- USA Managed Care
Education & Certifications
Fellowship: University of Arkanas for Medical Sciences
Residency: University of Texas Health Science Center at Tyler
Medical Education: NTR University of Health Sciences, Vijayawada Kakatiya Medical College
Certification: American Board of Internal Medicine
Ratings & Reviews
- Overall Quality of Care
- Listened Carefully
- Explained Things Clearly
- Spent Enough Time
- Showed Courtesy & Respect
Patient reviews (5)
Only complaint was it took several weeks and attempts to get an appointment.
Fantastic Doctor for information and knowledge on new ideas!
I felt very confident that I had made a great move
Very pleased with her. She is bright & curious. I like her. She was taught to think & that impresses me.
I would definitely recommend her to others.