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Are you concerned about brain aneurysms

Understanding Unruptured Brain Aneurysms

Did you know that most aneurysms do not need treatment? Dr. Paul Schmitt busts myths and shares vital insights on risks and protective measures. Learn how he's safeguarding health with advanced, personalized care.

Read the latest stories from CHRISTUS Health Experts

How to Know if Back Pain Is Muscular or Spinal

Back pain is a common issue among many people. Knowing if the pain is muscular or spinal can help you and your doctor find the best treatment for you.

What are the Symptoms of Thoracic Spine Pain?

If you are experiencing any pain or numbness in your thoracic spine, you may be suffering from nerve damage. Find out the symptoms, causes, and treatment options for thoracic spine nerve damage.

How to Relieve Spinal Pressure

If you are concerned about spinal pressure or pain and want to take steps to protect your health, the following strategies can help.

9 Factors That Can Lead to a Stroke

Knowing health conditions that can cause a stroke can help a person identify underlying risk factors and aid in early diagnosis and possible preventive treatment options. Learn about 9 key factors that can lead to stroke.

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