Pediatric Urology

Expert Pediatric Urology Care for Your Child

Experience expert pediatric urology care designed specifically for your child with CHRISTUS Health. Whether you’re addressing a common urinary concern or a more complex condition, you can trust that your child will receive compassionate, personalized care. With advanced treatments and minimally invasive options, your child’s health, comfort, and confidence come first. Wherever you are, you have a dedicated team ready to support your family every step of the way.

Types of Pediatric Urology Issues

Some common urologic issues affecting children include:

  • bladder exstrophy, when the bladder develops outside the abdomen
  • dysuria, or painful urination
  • enuresis, which is bedwetting and other bladder control problems
  • hematuria, or blood in the urine
  • hernia, when the intestine or other organ pushes through an opening in surrounding muscle or tissue
  • hypospadias, an underdeveloped urethra
  • kidney stones
  • neonatal hydronephrosis, an enlargement in newborns of the part of the kidney where urine collects
  • obstruction of the pelviureteric junction, a blockage where the kidney connects to the ureter
  • overactive bladder
  • phimosis, a recurrent infection in some boys who aren’t circumcised
  • retractile testis, where the testicle moves between the groin and scrotum
  • recurrent UTIs
  • undescended testis, or testicles that have not dropped into the scrotum
  • urologic cancers such as Wilms tumor or rhabdomyosarcoma of the bladder
  • varicocele, swelling of veins in the scrotum
  • vesicoureteral reflux, abnormal flow of urine from the bladder back up the ureters toward the kidneys
  • voiding dysfunction

Causes of Pediatric Urology Issues

Pediatric urologic conditions may be congenital, present at birth, or acquired, which means they develop at some point during childhood. The exact cause may be unknown or may occur for a wide variety of reasons such as:

  • birth defects such as spina bifida and other structural problems in the urinary tract
  • conditions such as diabetes or obstructive sleep apnea  
  • genetic factors
  • infections
  • injuries
  • lifestyle factors such as stress and anxiety
  • medical conditions that affect growth and development

Signs and Symptoms of Pediatric Urology Issues

Symptoms vary depending on the specific urologic condition, but may include:

  • abdominal swelling
  • bloody or cloudy urine
  • fever
  • high blood pressure
  • loss of appetite
  • shortness of breath
  • urinary incontinence, a loss of bladder control

How Are Pediatric Urology Issues Diagnosed?

In addition to physical examinations, reviews of medical history and discussions of symptoms, diagnostic tests for pediatric urological disorders may include:

  • blood and urine laboratory tests
  • imaging studies such as ultrasound, CT scan, magnetic resonance urography and voiding cystourethrogram to look for anomalies, evaluate urinary organ function and measure urine flow

Pediatric Urology Treatments

At CHRISTUS Health, your child has access to advanced treatments designed to improve their health and well-being. From medications to minimally invasive procedures, every option is tailored to meet your child’s unique needs, ensuring the best possible outcomes with less pain and faster recovery.

Treatment Options May Include:

  • Medications to treat UTIs, calm overactive bladders, or prevent kidney stones.
  • Injections for vesicoureteral reflux to stop urine from flowing backward to the kidneys.
  • Minimally invasive surgeries, including laparoscopic and robot-assisted procedures, to correct anatomical issues or remove blockages.
  • Therapies for kidney stones, such as shock wave lithotripsy or percutaneous nephrolithotomy.
  • Reconstructive surgeries for the urinary tract and genital conditions.
  • Supportive care for conditions like bedwetting, incontinence, and congenital abnormalities.