Pediatric General Surgery
Experienced Pediatric Surgeons
When your child is in need of surgical procedures, it can be a scary time. Rest assured, your children are in excellent hands with our board-certified and compassionate pediatric surgeons. At CHRISTUS Health, our pediatric surgeons specialize in the latest minimally invasive surgical options for various conditions. Our highly trained surgical team collaborates with other pediatric specialists to ensure your child receives the best possible outcome.
Type of Surgical Procedures
- Abdominal tumors
- Gallbladder and liver disorders
- Intestinal tract disorders
Head & Neck
- Branchial cleft anomalies
- Cystic hygroma
- Endoscopy for airway and esophageal foreign bodies
- Lymph node disorders
- Thyroid and parathyroid disorders
- Esophageal, lung, and diaphragm disorders
- Minimally invasive (Nuss) repair of pectus excavatum
- Minimally invasive surgery for empyema
Advanced Laparoscopic & Thoracoscopy
- Appendectomy
- Cholecystectomy
- Colectomy for Hirschsprung's disease, polyposis, and ulcerative colitis
- Nephrectomy
- Nissen fundoplication
- Splenectomy
- Excision of all head/neck, thoracic, abdominal, gynecologic, and skin tumors
- Multidisciplinary management of the cancer patient
- Vascular access for chemotherapy