Surgical Oncology

at CHRISTUS Health

Surgical oncologists, or physicians who perform cancer surgery, work with a multidisciplinary team to help determine the best path for treatment.

Whether you have liver cancer, brain cancer, or lung cancer, a surgical oncologist will be there to reassure you throughout your treatment process.

What does a surgical oncologist do?

A surgical oncologist is a cancer surgeon specializing in removing malignant tumors. In some cases, the surgeon may also perform biopsies to determine whether a tumor is cancerous or benign.

The surgical oncologist will work with you and your oncology team to develop a treatment plan that is best for you. This may include surgery, radiation therapy, or chemotherapy.

What are the benefits of seeing a surgical oncologist?

The surgical oncologist is an integral part of your cancer care team. He or she will:

  • Remove cancerous tumors
  • Determine if a tumor is cancerous or benign
  • Provide guidance and support throughout your treatment

The surgical oncologist is there to provide you with the best possible care and treatment for your cancer. In addition, they will work with you to develop a treatment plan that is best for you and your unique situation.

What is surgical oncology?

Surgical oncology is the branch of medicine that deals with the surgical treatment of cancer. This includes the removal of cancerous tumors and the reconstruction or repair of the surrounding tissue.

Surgical oncologists are trained in surgery and oncology, giving them a unique perspective when treating cancer. As a result, they can offer their patients a wide range of treatment options and the most up-to-date information on cancer treatments.

Surgical oncology aims to provide the best possible outcome for each patient. This means removing the cancerous tumor, minimizing the risk of recurrence, and maximizing the chances of a cure.

Surgical oncology is a highly specialized field, and only a handful of surgeons in the country are qualified to perform these procedures. Therefore, if you or someone you love has been diagnosed with cancer, it is essential to find a surgeon who is experienced and skilled in this area.

What types of procedures does a surgical oncologist perform?

Some common surgical oncologists perform breast cancer surgeries, gastrointestinal cancers, and sarcoma surgeries. In addition to tumor removal, they may perform biopsies and lymph node dissections to aid in diagnosing and staging cancer.

Minimally Invasive Treatment

Surgical oncologists are trained in surgery and oncology, giving them a unique perspective when treating cancer. As a result, they can offer their patients a wide range of treatment options and the most up-to-date information on cancer treatments.

Minimally invasive surgery is a type of surgery that uses small incisions and sophisticated medical technology to treat a variety of conditions. This surgery allows for less pain and scarring, shorter hospital stays, and a quicker return to normal activities.

CHRISTUS Health’s Approach

At CHRISTUS Health, we offer a wide range of minimally invasive surgical treatments for all types of cancer. We are dedicated to providing our patients with the latest advances in cancer surgery and the most up-to-date information on new and emerging therapies.

If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with cancer, we encourage you to contact us to learn more about CHRISTUS Health and our treatments.

We are here to help you make the best possible decision for your health and well-being.

Sarah Parnell

Learn from a CHRISTUS expert about how to manage your diet after surgery

Oncology surgical procedures can have wide-ranging effects on your life, including your eating habits. Proper post-surgical dietary management is crucial to manage symptoms, facilitate healing, and enhance your overall quality of life.

Click below to learn more from Sarah Parnell, RN and surgical oncology nurse navigator.

Learn more about Post-Surgical Dietary Management