CHRISTUS St. Michael

Cardiac & Pulmonary Rehab

Cardiac Rehabilitation is ideal for those who have experienced a heart attack, have had heart surgery, have had a heart-related procedure such as a cardiac stent or angioplasty, chest pain or congestive heart failure. It is designed to help patients recover from their heart procedure, increase their physical activity, and provide education and counseling to help the patients reduce their cardiac risks.

Our cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation teams are comprised of a number of healthcare professionals including a physician, nurse, exercise physiologist, respiratory therapist and a dietitian. Each member of our healthcare team is here to help the patient achieve his/her optimal level of health and fitness.

Hours & Locations


St. Michael Cardiac & Pulmonary Rehab

Nationally Accredited

Our Chest Pain Center is dedicated to treating cardiac emergencies 24-hours-a-day.