Family Draws Strength During Challenging Pregnancy at CHRISTUS Children’s

Tiffany, her fiancé, and their son, John Ezekiel Mendez, Jr. in the NICU at CHRISTUS Children's

Tiffany Borrego’s path to motherhood was challenging.

After experiencing two early miscarriages, she and her fiancé found out she was pregnant with their son, John Ezekiel Mendez, Jr.

I was excited. I took it as ‘this is God’s timing, Tiffany said.

However, her baby measured smaller than expected during a regular 20-week appointment.

Tiffany was referred to Emma Rodriguez, MD, a maternal fetal medicine specialist with CHRISTUS Children’s, for her expertise in high-risk pregnancy care. Maternal fetal medicine specialists are highly trained in managing complex pregnancies and performing advanced ultrasound evaluations.

Pediatric Fetal Care

Fetal Care Center at CHRISTUS Children's

The Fetal Care Center connects pediatric specialists to pregnant women and their families, regardless of where they plan to deliver their baby. Our Fetal Care Center is committed to patient- and family-centered care.

Learn about the Fetal Care Center in San Antonio, TX

A Clearer View of John’s Development

Dr. Rodriguez performed an advanced ultrasound on Tiffany to evaluate what was causing John’s growth concerns.

During our evaluation, we discovered that John had severe fetal growth restriction, meaning he wasn't growing at the expected rate, Dr. Rodriguez said.

Dr. Rodriguez said that fetal growth restriction is a common pregnancy complication, defined as a baby’s estimated weight being below the 10th percentile for their gestational age, with severe cases occurring when the weight falls below the 3rd percentile.

Growth restriction can be caused by maternal, fetal or placental factors, Dr. Rodriguez said. Given the increased risk of adverse perinatal outcomes, close fetal surveillance is essential to ensure the best possible outcome for both mother and baby.

Dr. Rodriguez recommended close monitoring for Tiffany, starting with weekly visits from her initial appointment at 23 weeks and increasing to twice-weekly visits after 32 weeks.

These visits included biophysical profiles, which test the baby’s well-being through a combined ultrasound and test to look at things like the baby’s movement, muscle tone and more.

The visits also included umbilical artery Doppler studies, which use ultrasound to measure the blood flow in the umbilical artery, which connects the baby to the placenta. This test helps doctors see if the placenta is delivering enough blood, oxygen, and nutrients to the baby.

Additional imaging revealed that John was missing a bone in each arm and had fluid in his brain, a condition known as hydrocephalus.

Pediatric neurosurgeons would need to evaluate him after birth to assess the impact on his brain development and determine if surgery was necessary. It was difficult news to process.

I had been praying for a child,” said Tiffany. “And yes, this was scary. But after praying, I believed God gave me this child for a reason.

Born Small, but Born a Fighter

Tiffany gave birth at just 37 weeks in February 2024. John weighed only 3 pounds, 7 ounces. He was missing the radius bone in both arms and only four fingers on each hand. He spent several weeks in the Level IV NICU at CHRISTUS Children’s, receiving advanced care from a team of specialists, including neonatologists, pediatric neurologists and orthopedic surgeons.

The NICU nurses were incredible, Tiffany said. They taught me how to use the medical equipment and how to feed him. They made the experience as positive as it could be.

Tiffany shared that John was born with less fluid in his brain than expected, and after evaluation, Bassel Bali, MD, a pediatric neurosurgeon at CHRISTUS Children’s, determined that no further treatment was needed.

After 17 days in the hospital, John was discharged. He now has regular check-ups with Dr. Bali and attends physical therapy for the congenital deformity in his arms and hands.

It’s all about what John is showing us, Tiffany said. They’re monitoring him and his development.

Embracing Hope in the Face of a Congenital Condition

John Mendez, Jr. smiling at home after leaving CHRISTUS Children's

Now, Tiffany is focused on cherishing every moment with her child at their home in San Antonio.

It’s been a joyous time with him. He’s always laughing and making faces. I am hopeful for the future and embracing the child God has given me.

Though the future remains uncertain, one thing Tiffany feels sure about is the care provided at CHRISTUS Children’s.

Even if he just has a cold, I wouldn’t want to take him anywhere else. They know us, they know what to expect, and I trust them completely.

Learn more about CHRISTUS Children’s in San Antonio.

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