10 Facts About Urogynecology You Probably Didn't Know 

Woman enjoying a walk outside to be healthy.

In healthcare, several specialties cater to specific needs and conditions. One such field, often under-discussed but incredibly important, is urogynecology.

This urogynecology is a field of medicine focused on treating women with conditions related to the pelvic floor, including:

  • Pelvic organ prolapse

  • Overactive bladder

  • Stress, urinary incontinence, and more.

Here are ten surprising facts about this important medical specialty that you probably didn't know:



1. Urogynecology Aligns with Holistic Care Principles

Urogynecologists often approach their practice from a holistic perspective. They aim to restore normal anatomy and function, addressing the structural issues leading to pelvic organ prolapse or overactive bladder. This holistic approach extends beyond physical health, considering patients' emotional and psychological well-being.



2. Empathy is Key in Urogynecology

Urogynecologists strive to empathize deeply with their patients. They aim to understand their patients' experiences and fears, providing care that is as compassionate as competent. This empathetic approach helps build a trusting relationship between the patient and the doctor, which is crucial for effective treatment and care.

“My journey as a physician is to help my patients experience healing," Dr. Stanley said. "And to help pave the way for them, show them the way, and partner with them." 



3. Urogynecology Can Boost Confidence

Treating conditions like pelvic organ prolapse improves physical health and boosts a woman's confidence. By restoring normal function and anatomy, urogynecologists help women regain their confidence and overall quality of life. This can have a profound impact on a woman's self-esteem and her interactions with others.



4. Overactive Bladder Can Impact Travel

An overactive bladder can make simple tasks like going to the grocery store or traveling long distances challenging, as individuals constantly need to know the nearest bathroom. This can limit a person's freedom and spontaneity, making it difficult to enjoy social outings or travel.



5. Pelvic Organ Prolapse Can Affect Walking

Severe cases of pelvic organ prolapse can make walking difficult. However, patients often report being able to walk differently and more comfortably after receiving treatment. This highlights the significant impact that urogynecological conditions can have on basic daily activities and the transformative effect of treatment.



6. Urogynecologists Can Use Acupuncture Techniques

Some treatments for overactive bladder involve techniques like acupuncture.

For example, Posterior Tibial Nerve Stimulation (PTNS), or Percutaneous Tibial Nerve Stimulation can help alleviate symptoms. 

PTNS is a 12-week therapy regimen where patients receive a needle treatment at the ankle. The process is about repetition and consistency, with optimal results often seen after the ninth session.

Anatomically speaking, the posterior tibial nerve, targeted in PTNS, branches off the sciatic nerve. This is the nerve often mentioned when people talk about sciatic pain. This nerve, the sacral nerve, is crucial in stimulating the bladder and controlling its function.

Dr. Stanley has extensively researched this therapy with specific medications for relief from overactive bladder.



7. Robotic Surgery is a Treatment Option

In cases of pelvic organ prolapse, urogynecologists can perform robotic surgery. This minimally invasive procedure can provide a long-term and durable repair. Advanced technology like robotic surgery allows for more precise and effective treatment, leading to better patient outcomes.



8. Urogynecology Can Boost Confidence

Treating conditions like pelvic organ prolapse improves physical health and boosts a woman's confidence. By restoring normal function and anatomy, urogynecologists help women regain their confidence and overall quality of life. Conditions like pelvic organ prolapse can interfere with sexual function, causing discomfort or pain during intercourse.

Urogynecologists can provide treatments that help improve sexual health and intimacy. This aspect of urogynecology underscores the comprehensive nature of the care provided, addressing all facets of a woman's health and well-being.



9. Urogynecologists Undergo Extensive Training

Beyond their general OB-GYN training, urogynecologists complete additional years of fellowship training. This includes focusing on surgery and non-surgical management of pelvic floor disorders, ensuring they are highly skilled. This extensive training equips urogynecologists with the expertise to handle complex and challenging cases, providing their patients with the highest level of care.



10. Urogynecologists Work in Teams

Treating pelvic floor disorders often involves a team of professionals. In addition to urogynecologists, this team can include physical therapists specializing in pelvic floor therapy, ensuring a comprehensive approach to care. This collaborative approach allows for a more holistic treatment plan, addressing the diverse needs of each patient.



Urogynecology is a field that combines compassion, understanding, and advanced medical knowledge to improve the lives of women dealing with pelvic floor disorders.

These ten facts highlight the depth and breadth of this specialty, shedding light on the diverse aspects of care provided by urogynecologists.

If you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms, remember that help is available. Contact a healthcare professional to discuss your symptoms and explore your treatment options.

Learn More About Urogynecology

Urogynecology focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of pelvic floor disorders in women

What is a Urogynecologist?

Urogynecology focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of pelvic floor disorders in women. When the pelvic floor becomes weakened or damaged, it can lead to a range of medical conditions known as pelvic floor disorders.

Urogynecology Care

Experience individualized urogynecology care. We understand your needs and circumstances. Start your journey to improved pelvic health today.

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